Sunday, 21 May 2023

Leadership and the One Minute Manager | Ken Blanchard, Patricia Zigarmi, Drea Zigarmi

In my previous blog post, I shared my quotes from the book "How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don't Know" by Byron Sharp - this book was one of the two books my mentor Jalal İbrahimi recommended me in our first meeting. The second one is "Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Edition". It is a short read and during the weekend break, I had the chance to read the book and re-read my quotes from the book. 

This new, updated edition of Leadership and the One Minute Manager reflects the latest thinking about Situational Leadership® II. Written as a parable, it tells the story of an overworked entrepreneur who learns from the One Minute Manager how to get the most out of a diverse team by becoming a situational leader.

This is a book to read and reread until being a situational leader becomes second nature to you in your leadership roles at work, in your home, and in the community.

How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don't Know | Byron Sharp

I started to work with Jalal İbrahimi who is my mentor and he recommended me two books in our first mentoring session. The first one is How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don't Know by Byron Sharp. As a finance professional, it has been a while since I haven't read a book purely on marketing since my MBA graduation. There were many "aha moments" while I was reading the book and connecting the learnings with the ideas in the weekly commercial team meetings. So, let me share my highlights from the book. 

The most important knowledge contained in this book: No marketing activity, including innovation, should be seen as a goal in itself, its goal is to hold on to or improve mental and physical availability.